Thursday, March 29, 2012

Just in case you forgot what I looked like...

I know the updates have been infrequent but it's been that kind of month or so - Taxes, business etc...

But things are rolling

GoDaddy has web hosting with basic site design - now I just need to sit down and get the site loaded up so the main site will be coming soon but I will likely keep the blog here (unless the new site design has an easy blog page set up)

Training is good - lots of body weight work (HSPU, HLRs, OAPU, Bridging, Front levers, pistols etc....)

Prep - Foam roller, ASLR, T-spine, rolling, hips
24 kg Arm bar + Get-up x 1+1, 1+1
24 kg Windmill x 3+3
24 kg Snatch test - 100 reps in just under 5 min (first 80 reps without stopping, 30 sec rest then 5+5, 5+5)
A few sets of pistols, hspu, leg raises, bridging
stretch and roll

This was my first snatch test in quite a while and I am overall pleased with the effort.  First 80 reps was 20+20, 10+10, 10+10 - 30 sec rest then 5+5 twice)

Doing good and more coming once I can get the site loaded and I will try not to have any more lags in posting

Thanks for checking in

Monday, March 19, 2012

It's been a while since I posted but taxes and other "things" have kept me hopping...

Training has been sporadic but ok -
For example

Prep - Limited
24 kg Windmill x 5+5
Double 24 kg SLDL x 5+5

Double 24 kg Jerks
ladder of { 2 - 3 - 5 - 10 } x 3 ladders
ladder of { 2 - 3 - 5 } x 2 ladders

HLRs x 5, 5


still keeping on the bodyweight exercises - pistols, handstands etc...

more later....