Friday, September 20, 2013

Gearing up for Philly!

Philly SFG Level 2 is only a week away

Prep - Foam Roller, Primal Move

24 kg Get-up x 3+3

24 kg Windmill x 5+5
last 2 reps on each side + bent press

24 kg Snatch "test"
6 min (reps at top of minute)
20 Left - 20 Right - 15 left - 15 - right - 10+10 - 5+5
So I was at 90 at 5 min and just had to finish the 5+5 for the 100 reps so just over 5 min for the "test"
I keep playing with different strategies for this.

Double 24 kg
Clean x 5
Front Squat x 5
Snatch x 5
Military Press x 5

Stretch etc....

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Alternating sets...

prep - Foam roller and Primal Move

24 kg Get-up x 2+2

24 kg Windmill x 5+5 x 2 sets
last rep = bent press

Double 24 kg alternating sets of Jerks x 5 reps and Swings x 10 x 20 sets
reps at the top of each minute

stretch etc...

I talk about alternating sets of rhythmic breathing pattern drills (swings) and cyclic breathing pattern drills (jerks or push press) in Kbs from the Center - Dynami - fun stuff

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Swings are great but Swings do not = Snatches

Decided to switch up my 32 kg workout today with some snatches instead of swings and was reminded that swings (while excellent) are not = to snatches...
I have been hitting between 16-20 reps of 32 kg swings per minute for 10 minutes but 10 reps of snatches per minute for 5 minutes had me dropping to 6 reps per minute for the final 5 sets.

Prep - foam roller and primal move
32 kg Windmill x 5+5 x 2 sets
final rep of each set was a Bent Press

32 kg Snatches Density style - reps at top of minute
5+5 x 5 minutes
3+3 x 5 minutes

Stretch and move

Friday, September 06, 2013

Jerks - they are everywhere...

At least they will be in Philly in a few weeks

Prep - Foam roller, Primal move

24 kg Windmill x 5+5 x 2 sets
fifth rep on each set was a bent press
Practicing running the free arm down the inside of the front leg for both

Double 24 kg Jerk ladders
2 - 4 - 6  x 5 ladders

pretty free with the rest during the ladders - technique work emphasis

stretch and move

Thursday, September 05, 2013


Still burning candles at both ends and in the middle but a quick training today:

Prep - Foam Roller, Primal Move

32 kg Get-up x 3+3

32 kg 1 arm swing density style
8+8 x 10 sets

stretch and move