Monday, August 31, 2015

Holy Mackerel - it cannot have been that long since a blog...

but I guess it has been.

It's been a busy summer here with workshops and family etc...
Indian Club workshop, SFG leadership meeting, 11 days in Budapest, family vacation and more.

But training has been happening.
I was on one of Pavel's experimental protocols for about 3 weeks before a Thai massage tweaked my back and since I had four days of teaching ahead of me I decided to stop the protocol and reboot it later.  My back did great for the 4 days of teaching and reminds me of just how effective our techniques are!

Past few days of training - some sessions were not recorded because I just grabbed a KB and went outside.  (Have to do that while I can since summer does not last here in the Burgh)

24 kg Get-up + x 1+1
Double 24 kg Strength Aerobics (c+mp+fs+sn) x 30 min
last 5 minutes 24 kg alternating swing x 10 at the top of the minute

basically the same as 8-18

24 kg Get-up + x 1+1
32 kg Get-up x 1+1
40 kg Get-up x 1+1

Strength Aerobics x 30 min
Double 32 kg (c+mp+fs)
alternated with sets of:
40 kg (right and left) of Clean+MP+FS+ 5 swings

prep -
24 kg Windmill x 3 right + 3 Goblet squats - repeat on Left with goblet squats x 2 sets

44 kg One arm swings x 4 at the top of the minute x 30 sets/minutes
alternating hands each set

Prep - foam roller and GFM
24 kg Get-up+ x 1+1
32 kg Get-up x 1+1
40 kg Get-up x 1+1

Strength aerobics x 31 minutes
alternating sets of:
Double 32 kg - C+MP+FS
40 kg one arm swing x 5 (left and then next set right)
for the last 6 minutes it was just the double 32 kg work

Totaled - 16 sets of the 40 kg swings and 15 sets of the double 32 kg work
laddered up the MP reps during 8 of the sets of double 32 kg work
(1>5 and then 1>3 then finished with singles)
Basically turned into reps at the top of the minute with a double up in the last minute to get my 15 sets.