Thursday, December 07, 2006

Doing better...

Better diet but training has been low

Due to the travel as noted and feeling burned from lack of sleep and "work" and I had ended up feeling off my game. But I have turned the diet around with very low sugar and good veggies and protein. I do feel better and should be on target for the 181 weight class next week.

Dietary tip for those with a sweet tooth - Dark Chocolate mini's from Hershey's - or any mini dark chocolate - this allows me to have a bite of something sweet to "end" a meal but doesn't overload the system. And they are packed with antioxidants. ;)

Training - Travel and fatigue has put the brakes on my training but I am feeling pretty good. I will post another time on some experiementation with orthotics I have been doing on myself but an orthotic switch seems to have taken some stress off of my right hip and I am feeling "looser".

Otherwise - I am headed for a yogafit workshop this weekend and am looking forward to the looks on the instructors faces when the "stiff muscle bound guy" comes into class.


  1. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Hey coach,

    Thanks for the tip regarding the mini-chocolates. I ate 17 of them at noon and felt great (just kidding).

    Good luck in your competition next week. Is it a deadlift meet? Are you peaking for the event, or do you have a broad enough training base to allow you to count on the "WTH" effect to pull you through?

  2. At this point I am hoping for the WTH effect - too much travel, fatigue, and lost training time - but it is a deadlift only meet for me so it should be ok.
    BTW - the magical effect from the dark chocolate doesn't hit until you eat 20. ;)
