Friday, April 03, 2009

In the land of the Viking...

Safe and sound in Denmark 

Arrived yesterday morning and had the chance to walk around Copenhagen and grab a workout with the Dane of Pain.  Deadlifts, KB presses and pull-ups along with some card tearing and nail bending were the order of the day.  KJ gave me some pull-up tips that are going to help quite a bit I think.  A great dinner and then off to sleep.
Today = FMS workshop.


  1. Brett, Awesome having you here in DK. Like I told you at dinner saturday night it is such a joy for me to have somebody of your caliber to talk with.

    I have gotten great feedback from the FMS participants and I definitely think there is a basis for doing another FMS in Dk come fall

    Thank you for the DL corrections- to me next goal is pulling 250kg and focusing more on wedging will get me there.. And of course I am now also hooked on the bending again... :)

    hope your flight was not too aweful and the workshop went great!

    take care buddy and Tommy sends his best too.


  2. KJ,
    It was just awesome getting to hang out with you and your family. I had a great time with the workshop and everything. You will hit 250 and you'll be bending big steel (just take your time building up).
    Tell Tommy I said hello and best wishes.
