Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Proof that some researchers need to get out more...

They were actually confused by arm swinging during walking and had to spend money and time to research it....

Any runner, track athlete, track coach, performance coach etc... could have saved them a lot of money and time and told them that it is an integral part of gait and the contralateral coordination of the body during gait (well maybe not in those words but....).


  1. Just wanted to let you know that I have been using the bretzel to help relieve from pain in my lower back.

  2. Faizal,
    Great to hear - do you have the opportunity for a full FMS screen?
    Might help to go through the whole process to see what needs to be addressed in addition to the Brettzel.

  3. I can't believe they spent money on that study! What the heck. I have some much better ideas I could use money for--ha!

    Rock on
    Mike T Nelson PhD(c)
    Extreme Human Performance

  4. Mike,
    I was thinking the same thing - about the money that is....
