Thursday, October 18, 2012

Missing but In Action...

I know I've been missing a lot of posts recently but there are only so many hours in a day so here I am back again...

In addition to being very busy with travel and work and home I had a bit of a flair up with my back that I have under control now and have been able to get back to my training.
Handstands were a constant but a lot of other things were off the table until recently.

10/15 training
Prep - Foam roller, ASLR, Brettzel, rolling

24 kg Arm Bar into Get-up with Windmill at the top x 1+1 x 2 sets
24 kg SLDL x 5+5

16 kg KB on foot Parallel grip pull-up x 3, 3, 4
1 arm 1 Leg Push-up x 1+1 x 3 sets
Pistol with 16 kg kb x 2+2 x 2 sets, bodyweight for third set

Trap bar DL 225 x 5, 5

24 kg Swings x 15 seconds on/15 seconds off x 20 sets


10/16 training

Prep - Foam roller, Brettzel, ASLR, rolling

24 kg Arm bar into Get-up with Windmill at top x 1+1
24 kg Get-up x 3+3

Hanging leg raise x 3
Double 24 kg FS x 5
Handstand push-up x 3
x 3 circuits

Feet elevated on an 8" box Bridge x 3, 3, 3

10/17 Training

Prep - 10 min on stairmaster speed interval level 10 x 10 min
Foam roller, brettzel, ASLR, rolling

24 kg arm bar into get-up with windmill at top x 1+1
24 kg SLDL x 5+5
24 kg Goblet squat x 5 (curl goblet squat x 4 + 1 prying GS)

trap bar DL x 225
bw parallel grip pull-up x 8
1 arm push-up x 2+2
BW pistol x 2+2
3 circuits


I have never run a cycle of trap bar DL so I figured - Why not?

Off tomorrow to lead a workout at the NPE event in Orlando Saturday morning

1 comment:

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