Saturday, April 26, 2014

Still GTGing....

Still greasing the groove on Get-ups and other exercises as time allows


GTG on
36 kg Goblet Squat x 4
36 kg Get-up x 1+1
36 kg One arm swing x 5+5
1 arm 1 leg PU x 1+1
Pistol + 12 kg x 1+1
Chins x 3
X 5 "circuits" during the day

Saturday, April 05, 2014

GTG - when time is not on your side...

Grease the Groove is basically frequent but not to failure sets through a day or period of time and is an excellent solution for those that can only grab exercise "snacks" during the day.

Last week training was thin but yesterday and today:


36 kg Get-up x 1+1
36 kg One arm swing x 5+5
x 5 sets through the day

36 kg Get-up x 2+2
36 kg One arm swing x 5+5
x should be 5 + sets by end of day