Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Easter travel and more travel...

Made a trip to the FMS home office to get some work done with Gray and Lee then swung over to visit my family for a couple of days. Got a 4-5 mile hike in with my Dad while at home and had a good trip.

Prep - foam roller, GFM
24 kg Get-up + x 1+1
24 kg SOS Get-up x 1+1
28 kg Get-up x 1+1
36 kg Get-up x 1+1
28 kg Half kneeling Bent Press x 2+2

28 kg Strength Aerobics x 15 min
28 kg Snatch x 5 reps every 30 seconds x 5 min


(and yard work and...)

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Travel and still training...

I've had a bit of travel - a one day trip to Orlando to present at the TSAC conference for the NSCA.
A good event and great to have the opportunity to present for the NSCA.

Three take aways:
1) Ankles - they are important.  Check out the new Motor Control Screen from the FMS which includes an Ankle Clearing.

2) I think I counted 5-6 different talks on Screening and Assessment.  Just look into and use the FMS IMO

3) Speed Saves.  Martin Rooney and an Army Ranger were presenting on a speed test to make sure our soldiers have a better chance of coming home safely.  Important work.

I hit a classic 32 kg Simple and Sinister session on Monday the 10th.
45 minute Elliptical on Tuesday the 11th (avg HR 130)

Foam roller and GFM
24 kg Get-up + x 1+1
24 kg SOS Get-up x 1+1
36 kg Get-up x 1+1

28 kg Strength Aerobics x 15 min
{Clean + Press + FS} one set every 30 seconds, switching hands each set
continuing into:
28 kg Snatch x 5 every 30 seconds x 5 min.
switching hands each set


Saturday, April 01, 2017

A day off and then...

Wednesday the 29th was a day off

Prep - foam roller and GFM
24 kg Get-up + x 1+1
32 kg Get-up x 1+1
40 kg Get-up x 1+1
44 kg Get-up x 1+1

Secret KB Snatch Protocol
total of 60 reps with the 32 kg KB and 40 reps with the 24 kg KB


Elliptical x 40 min
random hill, level 10-12
avg HR - 131

Today..... not sure