Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Training Update

Yesterday - Rest day

prep - foam roller, GFM
24 kg Get-up + x 1+1
36 kg Get-up x 3+3 and 2+2

36 kg Strength Aerobics x 30 sets (in 17:15)
{Clean + Press + Squat}
10 seconds on/25 seconds off
switching hands each set

Rest 2-3 minutes

36 kg One-arm swing x 5 every 30 seconds x 10 sets


Monday, August 28, 2017

Consistent Intelligent Training...

5 mile hike at McConnell's Mills
Which is like 5 miles of climbing stairs due to the rocky paths but a beautiful day to hike along the creek.


Prep - foam roller, GFM
24 kg Get-up + x 1+1
44 kg Get-up x 1+1 x 5 sets in 9:20
(basically one rep each minute for 10 total - 5 each arm like Simple and Sinister)

40 kg One-Arm Swing x 5 RATOM x 20 sets


Three or four training days a week with more light days than heavy is working out pretty well.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Friday training

Prep - foam roller, GFM
24 kg Get-up + x 1+1
24 kg Get-up with Presses x 1+1
24 kg Get-up with 3+3 Windmill x 1+1
24 kg Get-up with 3+3 half kneeling Bent Press x 1+1

32 kg Snatch x 5 reps RATOM x 20 sets


RATOM - reps at top of minute

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Training update...

Elliptical x 45 min
Avg. HR 130

Prep - Foam Roller, GFM
24 kg Get-up + x 1+1
36 kg Get-up x 2+2

36 kg Strength Aerobics
{Clean + Press + Squat + Snatch} x 30 sets
alternating hands each sets
10 seconds on - 30 seconds off


What a difference a rep makes!
Adding the snatch to the set of strength aerobics changes things quite a bit

Monday, August 21, 2017

A busy weekend and back to the training...

I was in Seattle this past weekend teaching an FMS course.
Great group of attendees!
The "red-eye" back Saturday night into Sunday morning was "fun" or not.

Prep - foam roller, GFM
24 kg get-up + x 1+1
24 kg get-up x 5+5

32 kg One-arm swing x 6 x 20 sets


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Training catch-up

I believe I took Monday off.

Prep - foam roller, GFM
24 kg Get-up + x 1+1
24 kg Get-up x 5+5

24 kg Snatch x 100 total reps - Strong Endurance protocol


Prep - foam roller, GFM
24 kg Get-up + x 1+1
36 kg Get-up x 2+2

36 kg Strength Aerobics x 30 total sets (15 each side)
{Clean + Press + Squat}
Set the clock for 10 seconds work and 30 seconds rest


Sunday, August 13, 2017

2.5 weeks of travel...

So I was home for just over 24 hours in a 2.5 week time frame between SF Leadership meeting, a trip to NY and a trip to NC... tooooo much back to back to back travel.

Today was all about easing back in to training:
Prep - Foam roller and GFM
24 kg Get-up + x 1+1
24 kg Get-up w/ Presses x 1+1
24 kg Get-up w/ 3+3 Windmill x 1+1
24 kg Get-up w/ 3+3 1/2 Kneeling Bent press x 1+1

32 kg One-arm swing x 5 RATOM x 20 min
