Monday, June 25, 2007

Held hostage by NWA and the end of the second - three week squat cycle...

NWA was kind enough to cancel my flight home last night and leave me stranded in Minneapolis over night costing me another vacation day and missed appointments - I have a hard time believing that there wasn't any way to get me home last night but they were unable to find an option. "Schedule change" - they said - Well my schedule didn't change! Travel really sucks at times!

But they finally did get me home this afternoon and I was able to fit in some training:

Squats 405 x 4,4,4,4,4

Bench with doubled over Monster Mini bands - 225 x 2,2,2,2,2

This was the end of the second- three week squat cycle and now the knee wraps go on and the weights get a bit heavier - should be fun!

I will be returning emails and phone calls tomorrow - time to eat and sleep.


  1. adapt and overcome. nice job.great great great presentation this weekend.

  2. Where were you flying to? Iraq? Skies were clear.

    Sorry they messed up your plans. I always feel bad when things don't go well in my town, and glad when they do.

    It was a pleasure to meet you on Saturday and steal the portion of your ideas I could understand.

  3. Rif,
    Thank you sir - My adaptation for that night was to have a couple of beers and a meal with friends - so I survived alright. ;)
    Great presentation yourself - it was great to hear the moaning!!

    Aaron - No worries - I still love MSP and it was great meeting you and Fawn on Saturday night. Look forward to the next time.

  4. Glad to see you made it home.

  5. Brett,

    It was a real pleasure meeting you on Saturday. Thanks again for the pull-up advice...I have started the pull-up program on Sunday. Keep blogging, you are an inspiration!

  6. lol, I figured a few sam adams's would put some delay in the misery.

  7. Thanks Doug and Fawn - Great seeing you both.
    Beer is good Rif!!
