Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Training today - 9/4/07

Squats w/ doubled over monster mini bands
315 x 3, 365 x 2, 315 x 3, 365 x 2, 315 x 3

Bench 245 x 5,5,5,5,5

Felt pretty good today - felt the hamstring attachment a couple of times but no residuals to speak of so I think things are on the mend.
Squats felt solid and deep and felt good to go heavier with the 365 sets.
Bench was easy and solid - finding a much better groove for my benching which I couldn't find before because i kept trying to work at too high of a percentage of my max. Should work out well as I go along.


  1. Git 'er done, Brett! Nice and smooth. Almost sounds easy, eh?

    Glad your leg is on the mend. My shoulder is still weird. Not bad, just not quite there. I got the R-phase DVD and gotta get more serious about it. I'm used to moving at Super Joint speed!

  2. I've found the following Z drills to be most helpful-- opposite hip circles (done in rehab), lateral ankle tilts (opposite side) and same side wrist (usually index/pinky lead circles). Again, it all depends on what you have going on, but try it out and see how it goes.
    sorry for the hijack.

    Glad you are feeling better Brett!

    Mike N

  3. Looks good Brett. Maybe getting some specific attachment work by a good neuromuscular therapist would help the hammies!

    Be well!

  4. Thanks guys - I'll give em a try.
