Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Training Today - 11/07/07

Squat 315 x 8 sets of 5
Bench 205 x 8 sets of 5
DL 345 x 6 sets of 5

I was VERY sore going into today's workout but had to buck up and get under the bar. And ended up having a very good day.

This Korte cycle is starting out tough and I might have a modification up my sleeve.
(as usual)


  1. dude, thats some volume, I would ramp up to it slowly.

  2. are you not doing the Vo2 snatches anymore?

  3. Yikes, that is some serious squat volume!

    I'm favoring the VO2 swing torture to those squats. Whew! Nice work, Brett.

  4. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Just thought I'd throw a friendly reminder of the Hormone Cascade lecture at you. Know your body's limits and keep up the good work!


  5. SORE!?!? Boo friggity hoo!

    Get out there and TRAIN!!....oh...wait a minute...that's what you already did....uh....nevermind.

    Sounds like one of those "punch the clock" workouts. This is why Brett Jones is strong. He trains when he is supposed to not just when he "feels" like it.

    The weight doesn't care how you feel, it only cares what you DO.

  6. Congrat's Brett on becoming a MASTER RKC!!!

    You deserve it brother!!!!!

  7. Congrats on your post, you are an excellent instructor, a true student and a extremely knowledgable resource. I hope this pushes you to continued progression and new heights

  8. Thank you everyone - it is a very exciting time!
