Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Training today - 11/21/07

Squats - 405 x 2, 455 x 2, 495 x 2, 1, 515 x 1, 405 x 5

Bench w/ doubled monster mini bands
(+4" of band tension in a different power rack)
225 x 1, 185 x 1 (got stuck under the pins),
135 x 5,5,5,5,5

Squats felt great but the rep at 515 was above parallel. The set of 5 at 405 at the end was like an empty bar. So I am at a transitional point in my squat where 405-455feels very easy but above that I do start to feel the weight. I think I am going to work up my 5x5 from 405 and up to see where I can take it.


  1. what happened to korte brother? I think you need an intervention.....

  2. Rif,
    I am a squata-loada-holic and I don't think there is an intervention for that! ;)

  3. as long as you keep recovering its all'll know when to back off.happy turkey day man!

  4. I'd ask if you wanna race to the 405/5 x5, but I'm afraid how I'll end up... (I'm not worried about you.)

    Happy T-Day, buddy. You're a blessing. Couldn't a made it without ya.

  5. Thanks Geoff - back at ya.

    and I think I have hit 405 x 5x5 before so I am looking to see if I can bump that to 455.
