Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Rest Day...

Some days you just need to rest, so today will be Z and recuperation only.

When was the last time you had an R&R day?

Cudos and Recognition to Adam Glass...

I remember when Adam started asking for advice on bending and gripping and since then I have been thrilled to watch him eclipse my gripping and bending. Simple, Dedicated persuit of goals - no magic no funny stuff - hard work and dedication. Congrats and I look forward to your coming success!


  1. Ah, the rest day. I think for most people in this community, it harder to make yourself rest than it is to train. I've had to learn to put the guilt aside and realize it is beneficial for achieving my long term goals.

  2. It is a mind trip at times to rest but wow does it help!
    And it is essential to long term success.

  3. Thank You very much Brett! You have been a ton of help to me and my progress since we first started trading emails in 2006.

    Your a great Friend to me and i always look forward to our next conversation.


  4. love me some rest days...especially 14 in a row!jj
