Thursday, November 13, 2008

Therapeutic Training today...

Prep work: Z, ASLR, Brettzel

20kg Get-ups - 1+1 (Pause at each step and perform 3 neck rotations and 3 shoulder rotations)
20kg Get-ups - 5 singles R+L 

10 Supersets of:
6 Goblet Squats
8-10 Hip Flexor Stretches
20 Alternating Swings

Total of:
60 squats (some of them Pistol practice - down on 2 up on one)
Lots of hip flexor stretches
200 swings

Credit to Dan John for this Goblet Squat inspired workout.


  1. Great workout Brett. I am definitely going to have try that workout. I love how the combination of goblet squats and the HF stretches helps to improve my squat on the FMS.

  2. Question on the shoulder rotations: Recently I started rotating my shoulder during armbars in an attempt to make it more "complete." In your professional opinion would you say this is a good idea? why?

  3. Brett, the shoulder rotations sound really interesting. How have they helped you?

  4. Mark,
    Keeping the Hip Flexors loose is essential! Great combo.

    Max and a.j. - The shoulder rotations are a great additions to the Get-up/arm bar...rotation of the arm does a couple of things - it lubes the joint area, dials in the "tension" in the area and teaches you alignment etc... Great stuff
