Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Great articles from NYTimes.com...

Two really good articles on some current research...

Up first an article about possible changes to the dietary recommendations for diabetics...
Turns out the "whole grain" recommendations are not as good as "low glycemic" recommendations (beans etc...)

Although I had a "dietician" tell me over a decade ago that low glycemic "stuff" was worthless...

And the really cool and I mean REALLY cool article...
Seeing without seeing using the Primitive "so-called blindsight, the native ability to sense things using the brain’s primitive, subcortical — and entirely subconscious — visual system."

How freaking cool is that?????!!!!!!
I have been telling clients recently that the body and brain is a strange place to live and seeing without sight would certainly be way up there!


  1. strangely enough I have a patient post heart transplant in a similar situation who is going through a similar circumstance with regards to regeneration of his vision and spatial awareness.
    very surreal.
