Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pressing, Squatting, and Swinging...

Prep - ASLR and Brettzel
24 kg Get-up Repeating every step on the way up x 1+1
Pressing ladders
24 kg Tall Kneeing Press x 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (r+L)
24 kg Half Kneeling Press x 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (r+L) - same side as up leg
24 kg Half Kneeling Press x 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (r+L) - same side as kneeling leg
24 kg Goblet Squat and Alt Swing Ladder
GS x 10 + Alt Sw x 10 + Hip flexor stretch
GS x 9 + Alt Sw x 10 + Hip Flexor stretch
GS x 8 + Alt Sw x 10 + Hip Flexor stretch
GS x 7 + Alt Sw x 10 + Hip Flexor stretch
GS x 6 + Alt Sw x 10 + Hip Flexor stretch
GS x 5 + Alt Sw x 10 - no rest
GS x 4 + Alt Sw x 10 - brief rest
GS x 3 + Alt Sw x 10 - no rest
GS x 2 + Alt Sw x 10 - no rest
GS x 1 + Alt Sw x 10 - no rest
Hip Flexor stretch, Inversion table and Club Swinging to finish

Good workout.


  1. Thank you again sir for a great seminar this weekend. I was able to apply immidiately what I learn to my clients getting really good results. Of course is a working progress but defenetly going towards the right direction.Hope to see you soon at an RKC seminar. Will be attending CKFMS next year.
    Antonio Cordova, RKC

  2. Antonio,
    It was great to see you at the workshop and I am glad to hear about the immeadiate results!

    Look forward to seeing you at the CK-FMS and other RKC events.
