Thursday, September 29, 2016

A little heavier today...
but less...

Prep - foam roller and GFM
20 kg Get-up + x 1+1
32 kg Get-up x 1+1
20 kg Half kneeling windmill series x R+L

44 kg One-arm swing x 5 x 10 minutes (RATOM) + 2
so 60 swings total

24 kg Windmill x 5+5

yesterday was 24 kg Strength aerobics so today's 44 kg swings were heavier
yesterday's volume was 126 total "reps" and today's 60 is 1/2 that...
so heavier but less

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Easy day...

prep - foam roller and GFM
20 kg Get-up + x 1+1
32 kg Get-up x 1+1
40 kg Get-up x 1+1
44 kg Get-up x 1+1

24 kg Strength Aerobics x 20 minutes
{clean+press+squat} x 42 sets
alternating through three different variations
"regular", open palm, bottom up

24 kg Windmill x 5+5

nice and easy

Monday, September 26, 2016

A little snatching...

Prep - foam roller, GFM
20 kg Get-up + x 1+1
32 kg Get-up x 1+1 x 3 sets
32 kg one-arm swing x 5+5 between sets of GUs (2 sets)

32 kg Snatch x 3 every 30 seconds x 16 min
34 sets total (doubled up in the last minute)
102 reps total

24 kg Windmill x 5+5

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Conservative treatment for FAI... and some training....

I need to read through it again but this appears to be a good article on conservative treatment options for FAI - which is the route that I chose for my hip issues...

Training today
Prep - foam roller, GFM
24 kg Get-up + x 1+1
Double 24 kg Strength Aerobics x 20 min
40 sets total {clean+press+squat}
24 kg Windmill x 5+5
stretch and Fast and Loose drills

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Quick swing practice...

Prep - foam roller and GFM
20 kg Get-up + x 1+1
32 kg Get-up x 1+1

32 kg One-arm swing x 5 x 10 min
reps performed every 30 seconds
switching arms each set
100 reps total

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Travel and....

Travel seems to be taking a bit bigger toll on me than it used to.  Fatigue from teaching over a weekend and the travel required catches up with me and I end up missing some training days.
But I treat this as just part of life and don't stress over it.

Prep - foam roller and GFM
24 kg Get-up + x 1+1
24 kg Strength Aerobics x 20 min
{clean+press+squat+snatch} x 62 sets total in the time frame
thirty-one each arm

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Strength Aerobics

Prep - foam roller and GFM

36 kg Get-up x 1+1 x 3
36 kg Goblet squat x 3 between sets of GU so 2 sets

36 kg Strength Aerobics {clean+press+squat} x 15 min
30 sets total

36 kg Windmill x 3+3

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Just Get-ups and...

Today was just Get-ups and a bit of work on Single Leg Squat or "Pistols"

Prep - Foam roller and GFM
20 kg Get-up + x 1+1
32 kg Get-up x 1+1
24 kg Get-up x 1+1
40 kg Get-up x 1+1
24 kg Get-up x 1+1
44 kg Get-up x 1+1
32 kg Get-up x 1+1

Between sets of get-up working on weighted and unweighted single leg squat drills

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Quick and efficient...

Prep - foam roller, GFM
24 kg Get-up + x 1+1
24 kg Get-up x 1+1 x two sets

32 kg x 10 Alternating swings x 10 sets


Feeling good

Monday, September 12, 2016

Golf and 9/11
The pic is from the 9/11 memorial in NY...

Saturday was a golf outing (18 holes, 4 person scramble)
Sunday I took a day off.

Prep - foam roller, GFM
24 kg Get-up + x 1+1
Double 24 kg Strength Aerobics x 20 min
40 sets total
First 10 sets {Clean+Press+Squat+Snatch}
Next 10 sets {Clean+Press+Squat}
5 sets {Clean+Press+Squat+Snatch}
15 sets {Clean+Press+Squat}


Friday, September 09, 2016

Strength Aerobics 

Prep - foam roller, GFM
24 kg Get-up + x 1+1
40 kg Get-up x 1+1

40 kg Strength Aerobics {clean+ press+ squat} x 20 min
total of 16 sets total (8 sets each arm)
Added in 44 kg one arm row x 5+5 after the first 10 sets
(meaning right - rest - left - rest - row x 5 each arm)


last set of Strength aerobics on the left arm was a push-press - couldn't get the press which was a surprise but that's the way it goes

Variations on Strength Aerobics have been my favorite training lately
Some variations:
Single KB - Clean + Press + Squat
Various weights
Double KB - Clean + Press + Squat
Various weight
Single KB - Clean + Press + Squat + Snatch
various weights
Double KB - Clean + Press + Squat + Snatch
various weights
Single KB - Clean + Press + Squat - Laddering reps on the Press and Squat
various weights
Double KB - Clean + Press + Squat - Laddering reps on the Press and Squat
Various weights

Various time frames on any of the above - sometimes 15 minutes and sometimes 30 minutes

Other variations can include sets of swings or snatches after a set of strength aerobics
maybe 5-10 reps then rest and then repeat

Sometimes I shoot for a set with one arm at the top of the minute and then a set with the other arm at 30 seconds left and keep going for the time chosen.
Sometimes I just rest and go when I am ready and not shooting for any particular volume etc...

Fun stuff

Thursday, September 08, 2016

A few snatches...

Prep - foam roller, GFM
32 kg Get-up x 1+1 x 3 sets
32 kg Snatches x 5 x 10 sets RATOM (alternating hands each set) + an extra set of 5 each arm in last 25 seconds of the last minute

Snatches felt good

Hit the driving range again - not too bad considering it is the second time this year I was swinging a club.  I have to find a way to shorten my swing.

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Waving the intensity etc....

Nice and easy today

Prep - foam roller and GFM
24 kg Get-up+ x 1+1

24 kg Strength Aerobics - {Clean+Press+FS+Snatch} x right - brief rest - left X 20 min
42 sets total

Stretch etc...

I would consider yesterday a heavy day so today needed to be a light day.  Plus swinging a golf club for the first time this year was sure to "wake" up some areas of the old body.

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Hiking and swinging...

Yesterday -
5 mile hike with my wife - just great to be out moving around in that thing called nature!

Today -
Prep - foam roller and GFM
24 kg Get-up + x 1+1
44 kg Get-up x 1+1 x 4
44 kg One-arm swing x 5 x 10 sets (RATOM - alternating hands each set)
24 kg Windmill x 5+5 

Off to the driving range for the first time of the year since I have a golf outing this Saturday.

Sunday, September 04, 2016

"Rest" yesterday and training today....

Yesterday was just yard work and setting up for a birthday party.

Prep - foam roller and GFM
36 kg Get-up x1+1 x 3 sets
36 kg Goblet squat x 3 x 2 sets between sets of GU

36 kg x 20 min Strength aerobics + swings
each 2 min. period = {Clean + Press + Squat x right - brief rest - left} + 5 Swings
(swing variations - two arm, next set right arm, next set left arm etc...)
Added an extra set of Strength aerobics on each side at the end so...
11 sets each arm Strength aerobics and 50 swings total

Keeping things rolling

Friday, September 02, 2016

Just some Get-ups...

Based on a question from the book of faces I will be shooting a video on positioning the KB properly once the size of the KB gets to a certain point....stay tuned on for my articles

Prep - foam roller and GFM

20 kg Get-up x 1+1
32 kg Get-up x 1+1
24 kg Get-up x 1+1
40 kg Get-up x 1+1
24 kg Get-up x 1+1
44 kg Get-up x 1+1
32 kg Get-up x 1+1

Basically just a get-up with each KB in my office.

Thursday, September 01, 2016

Apparently I've been missed...

This summer has been crazy and August followed suit but things are back on track (I think)...

FODMAPS and Gluten - I'm back being Gluten free.  Down 15 pounds and 4 inches off the waist so whether its gluten or fodmaps I don't care.  The results speak for themselves.

Training - I just need to keep it easy and smooth with good recovery.

Prep - Foam roll, GFM
36 kg Get-up x 1+1 x 3 sets
36 kg Goblet squat x 3 x 2 sets between get-ups

36 kg Strength Aerobics {Clean + Press + Squat x right (rest) repeat on left etc...}
X 30 sets total in 20 min

Stretch and recovery

Prep - Foam roll, GFM
24 kg Get-up plus x 1+1
24 kg 1/2 kneeling bent press x 3+3
24 kg Windmill x 5+5

24 kg Snatch x 5 x 10 min {12 sets total}

Stretch and recover

Prep - Foam roller, GFM
24kg Get-up plus x 1+1
24 kg Goblet squat x 5
24 kg Windmill x 5+5

Double 24 kg "Thruster" {Clean + Squat into Push-press} x 3 x 10 sets in 12 minutes

Stretch and recover