Tuesday, August 14, 2012
SOS wrap up
That's Summit of Strength for those of you who don't know...
Jeff O'Connor, Geoff Neupert, David Whitley and myself have gotten together for the past 3 years to teach this workshop and it has been one of my favorite events each year.
Getting to teach with my friends and fellow Master RKCs has been a privilege and an honor.
This year Geoff Neupert and I co-taught the first day covering bodyweight progressions from stretching/mobility work to rolling to quadruped to crawling to transitional to pistols, handstands etc.... and it would have been 1/2 of the presentation and day that it was if we had tried to do it independently.
I even found a few things that I have added as part of my training since and it is making a difference.
Jeff O'Connor took the lead the next morning and we all got schooled in the Bent Press.
There is a rumor out there that Jeff will be filming and making his bent press work available soon - I'll announce it here when (if?) that happens.
If you have had questions on the Bent Press then that will be a MUST have!
David Whitley brought things to a close with an excellent presentation on Breathing techniques for both performance and relaxation. As a HUGE believer in efficient and correct breathing as a foundation of everything we do this was a great presentation.
While we will not do the SOS again in this format in Oklahoma there are possibilities of it being revived in another format in other locations....one never knows....
This week I am off to Philadelphia to teach an RKC recertification workshop on Friday and the CICS workshop (Certified Indian Club Specialist) workshop over the weekend.
CICS wrap up next week
Training has been bodyweight work with some KB swings for conditioning...
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About Me

- Brett Jones
- Personal Trainer and Strength Enthusiast Email: appliedstrength@gmail.com
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