Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Training report...

Good training session today:
Prep work - ASLR, Brettzel
Wall Walk Bridges x 5
Goblet Squat and Swing ladder combo thingy...
24 kg Goblet squat and alternating swing ladder with hip flexor stretch and either Ballet Heel Raise or Hindu Push-up
GS x 10 + Alternating Swing x 10 + Hip Flexor stretch
GS x 9 + Alternating Swing x 10 + HF Stretch + Ballet Heel Raise x 10
GS x 8 + Alt Sw x 10 + HF Stretch + Hindu Push-up x 10
GS x 7 + Alt Sw x 10 + HF Stretch + BHH x 10
GS x 6 + Alt Sw x 10 + HF Stretch + Hindu Push-up x 10
GS x 5 + Alt Sw x 10 + HF Stretch + BHH x 10
GS x 4 + Alt Sw x 10 + HF Stretch + Hindu Push-up x 10
GS x 3 + Alt Sw x 10 + HF Stretch + BHH x 10
GS x 2 + Alt Sw x 10 + HF Stretch + Hindu Push-up x 10
GS x 1 + Alt Sw x 10 + HF Stretch

Club Swinging Practice
Inversion Table for a couple of minutes

A nice variety of movement worked up a good sweat and felt great.
Club Swinging is continuing to progress well.

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