Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Me time = Training time...

Prep work - ASLR, Brettzel
16 kg Hip and Shoulder openers
1# Club swinging
16 kg Get-up x 5+5
16 kg Goblet Squat + Swing ladder
10 GS + 10 Left arm swings
9 GS + 10 Right arm swings
8 GS + 10 Left arm swings
7 GS + 10 Right arm swings
6 GS + 10 Left arm swings
5 GS + 10 Right arm swings
4 GS + 10 Left arm swings
3 GS + 10 Right arm swings
2 GS + 10 Left arm swings
1 GS + 10 Right arm swings
1# Club swinging
24 kg Get-up x 3 singles each arm
24 kg SLDL x 5+5, 5+5
24 kg Windmill x 5+5
24 kg Bent Press x 5+5
1# Club Swinging
Fast and Loose drills and a little stretching

The ASLR isn't really corrective at this point just a prepratory move since my Shoulder and Hip mobility has improved post surgery and with some of the Get-up progressions.
SLDL kicked my butt (literally and figuratively) I am able to get into my right hip much better now.
Clubs are feeling great. Some of the postures and progressions are really assisting in opening my hips and shoulders.

BTW - I am headed to Alexandria, VA this weekend to teach an HKC (largest since the first one in MSP) and then a 4 hour Get-up workshop the following day. Then it is off to San Jose, CA for RKC Level 2!

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