Bench and DL today:
Bench with Doubled over Mini bands
205 x 3,3,3,3,3,3
DL worked up to: 495 x 1, 545 x 1, 565 x 0, 495 x 1
Bench felt good - couldn't have done this a few weeks ago - I remember my first band bench day and 205 with the bands felt pretty darn hard for a double - so I am pleased with todays bench. Me thinks the bands are good!
Need to put the DL back in the rotation - felt really good on 545 (which is over 95% of my max) but when I went for a 5# PR after not having deadlifted in quite some time I realized that my set up was bit off (mainly my breath) so I need to groove my DL a bit and be able to ride my squat increases into my DL.
I will post a couple of pics of my band bench set up.
Oh thank god, I needed to see pictures of that set up.
I figured it was a matter of interest ;)
But seriously - when I tried to describe to people doubled mini bands I got some confused responses - well - no more confusion. Thanks
You so big and strong!
Hey Brett,
I'm showing my ignorance here, but I don't intuitively get why you are doing the band benches. Could you explain briefly?
A new RKC
Nice Pull man! I have something to aim for ;-)
Hope you enjoy the RKC
The band set up on the bench is killer. Thanks again for putting it up!
We have found more carry over with the band bench work if we do actual pauses on the chest. Attach the bands exactly how you are, lower quick and pause, then blast it to lockout. This made a huge improvement in all of our presses.
-Rick Walker
Thanks brother - My third rep on every set was a pause at the bottom like you are describing. I think the bands are huge for bench and squat.
Bands are a form of speed and compensatory acceleration training which increase the
Sorry about the break in the message - bands increase the speed and tension needed to complete the lift in a different way than increasing bar weight - you have to "beat" the bands on way up and control the extra tension on the way down. Check out jumpstretch bands and articles at
Thanks Brett, I did check out some stuff about bands. Good stuff.
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