FMS information...
After my presentation at the RKC Level 2 this weekend there was a great deal of interest in the full day and a half FMS workshop so here is some information on the coming trainings...
Indianapolis, IN July 20-21
Boston, MA August 24-25
Phone registration - 800-556-7464
RKC Level 2 - Wrap-up...
What a great weekend! Pavel lead the show off on Friday with a detailed teaching of the 5 Level 2 drills and continues to amaze me with the depth of knowledge and techniques he has available.
I had the first half of the day on Saturday and presented a 2 hour lecture on the Functional Movement Screen and some neurological based strength training information. This was followed by a 2 hour practical section where the attendees were able to learn some immediately applicable screening and corrective strategies.
Kenneth Jay presented a great talk on cardiovascular adaptations to KB exercise and how to maximize the cardiovascular effects of KB training. Then the attendees had a practical demonstration of the theory. ;)
Sunday got off to a start with a wonderful presentation by Andrea DuCane on working with deconditioned populations. Great tips and techniques for starting off in a very basic manner and progressing to more advanced moves.
Rif followed with a talk on length/tension relationships - what they mean and how to find them and how to address them (foam roller and other techniques). Staying "neutral" and plumb is so key.
All in all there was a huge mountain of information provided the attendees and I was very happy to be a part of it. The attnedees themselves were great - Wonderful to see familiar faces again and spend time with old and new friends.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
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- Brett Jones
- Personal Trainer and Strength Enthusiast Email:
Blog Archive
- Getting started into the FMS...Start with Athletic...
- FMS information... After my presentation at the RK...
- Held hostage by NWA and the end of the second - th...
- Training today:Squats 455 x 2,2,2,2And that was it...
- Video of 455 x 2 squats - belt only:
- Pics of my Band squat set up and today's training:...
- Recovery and Sleep and Bands...I finally logged so...
- Training today:Squats - 425 x 3,3,3,3,3DL with dou...
- Squat breath vs. Deadlift breath...During my deadl...
- A highlight reel from the Danish RKC May 2007 -Som...
- Training today:First day of the second - three wee...
- Off to the RKC...Leaving shortly for the June RKC ...
- My first DL in a few weeks - quick at the loc...
- Bench and DL today:Bench with Doubled over Mini ba...
- End of the first three week cycle of the Squat Rou...
- A look back through the training log...A question ...
dude I just got finished reading the manual( you know we had zero time to do that) and am AMAZED at the incredible wealth of information that is in that thing. Pavels article on vitage gireviks freestyle training was way cool. Got me to thinking and you know dangerous that
plus all the info from you ,kenneth me and andrea is a gold mine of great stuff!
People really got their moneys worth for sure.
I hear you absolutely kicked some serious butt in your presentation over the weekend. Great job and congratulations on achieving such a high level in this industry. I must, repeat MUST get together with you learn some of this corrective information you and Gray Cook are teaching. After years of studying the CHEK system I see some parallels for sure but also a fresh and newer perspective I am interested in learning.
Look forward to making it happen in the near future!
It really is astounding what was provided at the Level 2 - money's worth for sure!
Franz - thank you and we will have to make that happen and I look forward to working with you and learning from you.
Brett, it was great to hang with you. And I am all abou tthe FMS. I'm meeting with my Chiro later to day to speak to him about it. And it was a good idea that you and Daniele didn't venture out with us. We did a shot every 36 seconds, a la Kenneth Jay's snatch protocol. It was ugly.
Sprinkling the drops right back to ya' buddy,
Really enjoyed meeting you & absorbing your presentation- it was every bit as excellent as people are saying! I look forward to learning & applying the FMS w/my clients asap- it's great!
Also, kettlebell trainer 0311 was right-- it's a good thing you didn't come out w/us on Sunday night... it was UGLY ; )
this stuff kicks Cheks stuff butt! I have to get on this as well.
Thanks guys - I will have more on the FMS tomorrow.
Hey Brett. Short o making it to Indy how much usable knoweldge can I get from the DVDs you and Gray have??
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