A new Applied Strength website...
Very soon this blog will function as the home page for my website, so you could say that I am switching over to a "blogsite". This will allow me to quickly and efficiently update my blog/site - get comments, questions and offer responses etc...
So welcome to the new Applied Strength website.
A HUGE Congrats out to Donnie Thompson!! An RKC and World Champion Powerlifter (and a first class nice guy) - Donnie recently set a new World record for the total in powerlifting at the IPA Columbus Pro-Am with a mind blowing 2850 total.
For the record that is - 1,155 squat + 900 bench + 795 deadlift!!!
I remember meeting Donnie years back when he first met Pavel at the Arnold fitness classic in Columbus,OH. At that time he was missing the PL meet at the Arnold due to a back injury - well Donnie was Pavelized and the rest as they say is history!
Congrats Donnie!
Congrats out to Adam Glass who recently joined the Red Nail Roster by officially bending the Red nail under certification conditions.
Adam is a seriously strong individual who will be reaching the top level of the bending world. This is only the beginning as he will be attending the RKC in April.
Check out his blog for unique training and bending information.
Rick Walker is at it again - hitting a 700 squat with briefs and a belt!
Strong stuff Rick but you really shouldn't hold back on your blog - tell us what you really think ;)
Rif continues to be Rif - consistency in training, advice and progression - check on Rif's blog to see how someone with 35+ years of experience continues the journey.
For me:
FMS Pittsburgh is tomorrow - it will be a small but great group of people.
Next week: Secrets of the Shoulder workshop at The Sporting Club in San Diego on Feb 1. and an Intermediate Kettlebell Workshop at Iron Core in La Jolla Feb 2.
Then the San Jose RKC!
My training is continuing for the ADAU meet in March as I thankfully drop to sets of 3 in training. Sets of 5 are just annoying!
That will about do it for today (unless I get to train later).
Friday, January 25, 2008
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About Me

- Brett Jones
- Personal Trainer and Strength Enthusiast Email: appliedstrength@gmail.com
Blog Archive
- Off to San Diego...Secrets of the Shoulder worksho...
- Classic American PL cycling and getting "stuck" on...
- The wider the base the higher the peak...After I f...
- Quick training...fixing the squat position...Had a...
- Cleaning up the Clean...One of the most frustratin...
- A new Applied Strength website...Very soon this bl...
- Video review...Took some time this morning to revi...
- Training today - "the sun doesn't shine on the sam...
- How to progress to a heavier KB but still keep a l...
- "It isn't Cardio if it isn't plugged in!" Geoff N...
- Only 1 spot left for Intermediate KB workshop at I...
- mikka bouzu and some interesting research...I grab...
- Deadlift assistance exercises...I threw out a caut...
- Training today...Squat 425 x 5, 465 x 5, 425 x 5, ...
- Only 3 spots left!!My Intermediate Kettlebell work...
- Observation on walking and on "throwing up" from t...
- Training today:Squat w/ doubled over monter mini b...
- Training today:First day of the new cycleSquat -41...
- Like I really need to post this but...A good artic...
- Question of the day...Swing height? How high and ...
- The plan for the next PL meet...I have decided to ...
- Todays training:Squats 405 x 5,5,5,5,5Bench 315 x ...
buzz buzz...you're a busy little bee. :) See you soon!
I resemble that remark :))
great news about Donnie.COuldnt happen to a nicer guy.
Idle hands are the devils workshop... ;)
You da man Rif.
does he have a seminar ;)?
Thanks for the shout Brett!
Things are going better then I expected training wise, I never thought only 4 weeks back into my training post surgery I would be stronger then I was pre surgery, but I will take it. I am doing the Pittsburgh Monster meet as a primer for April, then I head to Ohio to get that damn 242 Elite total! 1940: HERE I COME!
Good stuff as always Brett-
By the way, I have been watching some Pavel stretching stuff lately. If it works for me, I might, just might, become a believer. ;)
Thanks Rick,
Keep me posted on the stretching stuff and how it effects your training - great stuff.
Have fun at the monster meet - I don't think I am going to hit it this year.
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